Generative Learning Objects in Biomedical Informatics

Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila

University Politehnica of Timisoara, Romania,
Faculty of Automation and Computer Science
E-mail: chirila(at)


Nowadays e-learning systems learning objects (LO) tend to suffer from lack of reusability and genericity. Once they are designed and created they can only be used as they are. Thus, several drawbacks can be noticed. An inflexible question will always demand the very same answer. This answer can be memorized and reproduced mechanically by the student. In written exams such answers can be easily copied by the student from its nearby neighbor. Students who want to solve multiple times an exercise in order to master a concept are unable to do that from different perspectives. Generative learning objects (GLO) are considered second generation learning objects (LO) designed for increased reusability and based on successful pedagogical patterns. In such a GLO a pedagogical pattern can be reused by parameterization and instantiation process which can be automated with the help of random number sets. In our work we will present how a GLO model can help education in biomedical informatics, namely how it can facilitate education for medical students, located possibly at distance. Our proposed GLO model includes also automatic result assessment mechanisms. In one of our case studies we developed GLOs for the pharmacology discipline studied by medical assistants. We focused on creating GLOs for the training and assessment of the factors that influence the dose-effect relationship. The GLO model is based on XML formalisms and JavaScript code to be executed in a browser. The created GLOs tend to be more reusable, automatically instantiated with controlled random data sets but their creation involves a lot of modelling effort, parameter identification, value range control and mathematical formulas implementation.


generative learning objects, reusability, parameterization


	author			=		{Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila},
	title			=		{Generative Learning Objects in Biomedical Informatics},
	booktitle		=		{2014 Romanian Medical Informatics Conference (RoMedInf)},
	address			=		{Bucharest, Romania},
	month			=		{June},
	year			=		{2014},


[Chirila2014RoMedInf] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Generative Learning Objects in Biomedical Informatics, 2014 Romanian Medical Informatics Conference (RoMedInf), Bucharest, Romania, June, 2014

Data fields

[Chirila2014RoMedInf] - 
Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila.
Generative Learning Objects in Biomedical Informatics,
2014 Romanian Medical Informatics Conference (RoMedInf),
Bucharest, Romania,