Towards generative learning objects on microblogging platforms

Ioan Vlasin, Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila

University Politehnica of Timisoara, Romania,
Faculty of Automation and Computer Science
E-mail: chirila(at)


In this paper we present a few ideas towards the integration of the generative learning objects (GLO) in microblogging platforms like Facebook and Tweeter. Our approach is focused on a data structure and algorithms (DSA) course which is dedicated to students enrolled in the long form of studies, short form of studies and also distance learning programs. Generative learning objects are learning objects described using instantiable templates thus generating concrete learning objects. Our model of GLO has several features like: automatic instantiation based on random number sets, difficulty level configuration followed by the automatic generation, generative features for each of the three items of an object: sentence, answers and the most important the feedback. The generative learning objects are of several types like: single choice, multiple choice, short answer, long answer or even games embedding game mechanics. The considered DSA lecture has competence taxonomy of four levels like: domains, general competences, specific competences and variables on which the learning objects are linked. The student gets a generated sentence in order to develop a competence variable, he answers it and then depending on the answer the learning object will issue the necessary feedbacks to drive him to the correct answer along with detailed explanations. For the DSA lecture domain we considered the competences of using in programming: search algorithms, sorting algorithms, trees data structures and graph data structures. The discussed issues regarding the two concepts of GLO and microblogging are: how the information will be transferred between the student and GLO e-learning platform including text, generated images; how should be modelled the GLO platform output and the student input given the fact that microblogging means short message exchange; how can we benefit from the social network in the implementation of a rewarding system.


learning object, generative learning object, social network, data structures and algorithms.


	author			=		{Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila},
	title			=		{Towards generative learning objects on microblogging platforms},
	booktitle		=		{Proceedings of Social Media in Academia Research and Teaching 2014 (SMART 2014)},
	pages			=		{000--999},
	address			=		{Timi\c{s}oara, Romania},
	month			=		{September},
	year			=		{2014},


[Chirila2014SMART] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Towards generative learning objects on microblogging platforms, In Proceedings of Social Media in Academia Research and Teaching 2014 (SMART 2014), Timisoara, Romania, September, 2014.

Data fields

[Chirila2014SMART] - 
Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila.
Towards generative learning objects on microblogging platforms,
In Proceedings of Social Media in Academia Research and Teaching 2014 (SMART 2014),
Timisoara, Romania,