Auto-Generative Learning Objects for IT Disciplines

Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila

University Politehnica of Timisoara, Romania,
Faculty of Automation and Computer Science
E-mail: chirila(at)


The 21-st century skills and key competences include domains like: mathematical literacy, basic competences in science and technology, digital competences. Other important dimension considered by the european commission is the empowerment of european citizens through the digital literacy. The european IT development trend for a digital society, digital economy and IT based research and inovation requires a significant number of specialists which are hard to train with current academic resources and capacities. Learning objects LOs together with their hierarchical structures tend to be the bricks for building knowledge managed by Learning Management Systems (LMSs). Auto-generative learning objects (AGLOs) are innovative learning technologies based on reusable templates instantiated with data based on random number generators to favor the variability of learning object content. AGLOs tend to be an innovation that could support future virtual learning and long-life learning. AGLOs advantages are twofold: i) they offer automatic variability and training facilities for students and ii) provide an easy way, tool assisted for the creation of learning objects. We consider that AGLOs generative feedback is a powerful feature that helps the student to better understand the content eliminating eventual doubts. We will show that AGLOs can support several IT disciplines like: Data Structures, Functional Programming, Compiling Techniques, Operating Systems with several limitations. In order to simplify creation of AGLOs specialized libraries are developed in this sense thus several levels of intervention on content is previewed: i) easy modifications - text decorations, notations; ii) structure modifications - use of library functions; iii) library modifications - addition of new functionalities.


learning objects, auto-gebnerative learning objects, IT disciplines, generative models


	author			=		{Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila},
	title			=		{Auto-Generative Learning Objects for IT Disciplines},
	booktitle		=		{Proceedings of the International Conference on Virtual Learning 2015},
	pages			=		{1--6},
	organization	=		{University of Bucharest, Romania},
	isbn			=		{},
	address			=		{Bucharest, Romania},
	month			=		{October},
	year			=		{2015},


[Chirila2015ICVL] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Auto-Generative Learning Objects for IT Disciplines, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Virtual Learning 2015, Timisoara, Romania, October, 2015.

Data fields

[Chirila2015ICVL] - 
Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila.
Auto-Generative Learning Objects for IT Disciplines,
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Virtual Learning 2015,
Timisoara, Romania,