Metamodels for Auto-Generative Learning Objects Dedicated to Unix Operating System Disciplines

Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Gaultier Parain

University Politehnica of Timisoara, Romania,
Faculty of Automation and Computer Science
E-mail: chirila(at)


The currently developing industry demands more and more IT specialists day by day. Many industrial systems are automated using servers based on Unix and Linux operating systems in industries like: automotive, telecommunications, production etc. Universities and other teaching organizations tend to lack human resources since most of the potential tutors are already employed in the IT industry having significant beneficial packages. In this context cloud enabled auto-generative learning objects can help in the process of training of new IT specialists. They offer the possibility to reuse learning patterns and to fill them with randomly generated but controlled data. Thus, students can learn, exercise and auto-assess their knowledge in Unix commands to be ready for employment in the IT industry.


generative learning objects, auto-generative learning objects, Unix / Linux operating systems, cloud applications


	author			=		{Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila and Gaultier Parain},
	title			=		{Metamodels for Auto-Generative Learning Objects Dedicated to Unix Operating System Disciplines},
	booktitle		=		{Proceedings of the International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC 2018)},
	pages			=		{1--6},
	address			=		{Sinaia, Romania},
	month			=		{October},
	year			=		{2018},


[Chirila2018ICSTCC] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Gaultier Parain. Metamodels for Auto-Generative Learning Objects Dedicated to Unix Operating System Disciplines, Sinaia, Romania, October, 2018.

Data fields

[Chirila2018ICSTCC] - 
Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Gaultier Parain.
Metamodels for Auto-Generative Learning Objects Dedicated to Unix Operating System Disciplines, 
Sinaia, Romania,