

[Chirila2015LFTSIMPV] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Sorian Cristian Agarlita, Mircea Baba. Limbaje formale si translatoare. Securitatea informatiei. Medii de programare vizuale - Indrumator de laborator, ISBN 978-606-569-961-8, ISSN 978-606-8480-28-2, 131 pages, Editura Fundatiei de cultura si invatamant Ioan Slavici, Editura Eurostampa, Colectia "Cartea universitara", 2015.

[Chirila2010RevInh] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Generic Mechanisms to Extend Object-Oriented Languages. The Reverse Inheritance Class Relationship, Seria 10, nr. 27, ISSN 1842-7707, ISBN 978-606-554-066-8, 326 pages, Editura Politehnica Timisoara, 2010.

[Chirila2009SDASO] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Structuri de date si algoritmi. Sisteme de operare - Indrumator de laborator, ISBN 978-973-88962-7-7 110 pages, Editura Fundatiei de cultura si invatamant Ioan Slavici, 2009.

[Andras2003Excel] - Florin Sorin Andras, Claudia Dragos Roman, Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Excel - Ghid de initiere, ISBN 973-613-248-X, Editura Universitatii din Oradea, 2003.

Book chapters

[Chirila2015ELSE-Elsevier] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Educational Resources as Web Game Frameworks for Primary and Middle School Students, Bogdan Patrut, Carmen Holotescu, Gabriela Grosseck, Diana Andone, Social Media and Open Education, Woodhead Publishing imprint of Elsevier, http://store.elsevier.com/Woodhead-Publishing, 2015, book chapter (pdf).

[Chirila2015SOFA-Springer] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Educational Resources as Web Game Frameworks for Primary and Middle School Students, Soft Computing Applications, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop Soft Computing Applications (SOFA 2014), Springer Verlag, isbn 978-3-319-18295-7, August, 31, 2015, book chapter (pdf).

[Chirila2012SACI-Springer] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Vladimir Cretu. A Set of Java Metrics for Software Quality Tree Based on Static Code Analyzers, Radu-Emil Precup, Szilveszter Kovács, Stefan Preitl, Emil M. Petriu Applied Computational Intelligence in Engineering and Information Technology, Springer Verlag, issn 2193-9411, isbn 978-3-642-28304-8, doi 10.1007/978-3-642-28305-5, March 21, 2012.

PhD Reports and Thesis

[Chirila2010PhDThesis] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Generic Mechanisms to Extend Object-Oriented Languages. The Reverse Inheritance Class Relationship, PhD Thesis, University Politehnica Timisoara, February 2010, phd-thesis (pdf).

[Chirila2008PhDR3] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Personal Contributions Regarding Software Reusability. Description of Reverse Inheritance Semantics Using Prolog, PhD Research Report #3, University Politehnica Timisoara, September 2008, phd-report#3 (pdf).

[Chirila2008PhDR2] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. The Model of the Generic Mechanism for the Extension of Object-Oriented Programming Languages Reverse Inheritance for Eiffel, PhD Research Report #2, University Politehnica Timisoara, February 2008, phd-report#2 (pdf).

[Chirila2006PhDR1] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila State of the Art in Reuse Mechanisms of Object-Oriented Programming, PhD Research Report #1, University Politehnica Timisoara, March 2006, phd-report#1 (pdf).

Journal Articles

[Chirila2017BRAIN] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Auto-generative learning objects in online assessment of data structures disciplines, BRAIN - Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol. 8, no. 1, Bacau, Romania, ISSN 2067-3957, WOS 000399989700003, April, 2017, article (pdf).

[Chirila2015FIHA] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. A Comparison of MCQ and AGLO Generative Learning Object Models, Annals of Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara, Hunedoara, Romania, November, 2015, article (pdf).

[Chirila2015BRAIN] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Horia Ciocarlie, Lacramioara Stoicu-Tivadar. Generative Learning Objects Instantiated with Random Numbers Based Expressions, BRAIN - Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, Bacau, Romania, ISSN 2067-3957, WOS:000372466800007, October, 2015, article (pdf).

[Sakkinen2013NJC] - Markku Sakkinen, Philippe Lahire, Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Towards Fully-Fledged Reverse Inheritance in Eiffel, Nordic Journal of Computing, 2013, article (pdf).

[Chirila2010WTranComp] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Calin Jebelean, Titus Slavici, Vladimir Cretu - Generating logic representations for programs in a language independent fashion, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Volume 9, Issue 10, July, 2010, article (pdf).

[Chirila2009BSUIS] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Mecanisme pentru reutilizarea de clase in tehnologia orientata-obiect, Buletinul Stiintific al Universitatii "Ioan Slavici" Timisoara, Editura fundatiei de educatie si cultura "Ioan Slavici", ISSN 2065-7420, Timisoara, Romania, 2009, unrated, article (pdf).

[Chirila2005SciBul] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Pierre Crescenzo, Philippe Lahire, Dan Pescaru, Emanuel Tundrea, Survey on Reverse Inheritance, Scientific Bulletin of Politehnica University of Timisoara, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science, vol. 50 (64), ISSN 1224-600X, Politehnica Publishing House Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania, 2005, B+ rated, article (pdf).

Conference Papers

[Lupse2018STC] - Oana-Sorina Lupse, Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Lacramioara-Stoicu Tivadar. Harnessing ontologies to improve prescription in pediatric medicine, In proceedings of Special Topics Conference in Decision Support Systems and Education - Help and Support in Healthcare, Zagreb, Croatia, October, 2018, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2018ICSTCC] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Gaultier Parain. Metamodels for Auto-Generative Learning Objects Dedicated to Unix Operating System Disciplines, Sinaia, Romania, October, 2018, paper (pdf).

[Lupse2018SACI2] - Oana-Sorina Lupse, Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Horia Ciocarlie. Auto-Generative Learning Objects for Middle School Arithmetic, Proceedings of the IEEE 12-th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), Timisoara, Romania, May, 2018, paper (pdf).

[Costea2018SACI1] - Felicia-Mirabela Costea, Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Vladimir Cretu. Towards Auto-Generative Learning Objects for Industrial IT Services, Proceedings of the IEEE 12-th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), Timisoara, Romania, May, 2018, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2018ELSE2] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Programming Guide for the SilverCode Community, Proceedings of the 14-th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education (ELSE), Bucharest, Romania, April, 2018, paper (pdf).

[Costea2018ELSE1] - Felicia-Mirabela Costea, Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Vladimir Cretu. Auto-Generative Learning Objects for Middle School Arithmetic, Proceedings of the 14-th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education (ELSE), Bucharest, Romania, April, 2018, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2017NOVAMOOC] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. SilverCode Guide to Programming for Elders. In Proceedings of the New Trends and Perspectives in Open Education International Conference, Timisoara, Romania, September 08-09, 2017, abstract (pdf), presentation (pdf), website.

[Chirila2017ELSE1] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Remy Raes. Generic online algorithm interpreter with dynamic data visualizations. Case study on sorting algorithms, Proceedings of the 13-th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education (ELSE), Bucharest, Romania, April, 2017, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2017ELSE2] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Towards the enhancement of AGLOs with SCORM and xAPI, Proceedings of the 13-th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education (ELSE), Bucharest, Romania, April, 2017, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2016SMART] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Auto-generative learning objects in online assessment of data structures disciplines, SMART 2016 - Scientific Methods in Academic Research and Teaching, Timisoara, Romania, November, 2016.

[Chirila2016ISETC] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Remy Raes, Arthur Roland. Towards a Generic Gamification of Sorting Algorithms, In Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Electronics and Telecommunications ISETC 2016, Timisoara, Romania, October, 2016.

[Chirila2016ELSE1] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Reuse Models for Generative e-Learning Content Dedicated to Computer Science Disciplines, Proceedings of the 12-th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education (ELSE), Bucharest, Romania, April, 2016, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2016ELSE2] - Ioan Vlasin, Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Online contest based on integration of activities, adaptability and students cooperation using Ilias LMS, Proceedings of the 12-th International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software for Education (ELSE), Bucharest, Romania, April, 2016, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2015ICVL] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Auto-Generative Learning Objects for IT Disciplines, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Virtual Learning 2015, Timisoara, Romania, October, 2015, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2015ELSE2] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Generative Models for Computer Programming Disciplines, In Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference eLearning and software for Education (eLSE), Bucharest, Romania, DOI 10.12753/2066-026X-15-000, April 25-26, 2015. paper (pdf).

[Chirila2015ELSE1] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. A Survey on Generative Learning Objects, In Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference eLearning and software for Education (eLSE), Bucharest, Romania, DOI 10.12753/2066-026X-15-000, April 25-26, 2015, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2014SMART2] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Towards generative learning objects on microblogging platforms, In Proceedings of Social Media in Academia Research and Teaching 2014 (SMART 2014), Timisoara, Romania, September, 2014, paper (pdf).

[Vlasin2014SMART1] - Ioan Vlasin, Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. The model of a competence development platform for primary and middle school students, In Proceedings of Social Media in Academia Research and Teaching 2014 (SMART 2014), Timisoara, Romania, September, 2014, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2014SOFA] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Generative Learning Object Assessment Items for a Set of Computer Science Disciplines, SOFA 2014 6-th International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications - Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, pp. 001--009, Springer Verlag, ISSN 1867-5662, Timisoara, Romania, July, 2014. paper (pdf).

[Chirila2014RoMedInf] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Generative Learning Objects in Biomedical Informatics, 2014 Romanian Medical Informatics Conference (RoMedInf), Bucharest, Romania, June, c2014, poster (pdf).

[Chirila2014ELSE] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Educational Resources as Web Game Frameworks for Primary and Middle School Students, 2014 International Scientific Conference eLearning and Software Education eLSE 2014, Bucharest, Romania, April, 2014, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2013SACI] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. A Dialog Based Game Component for a Competencies Based E-Learning Framework, 2013 8th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), pp. 055--060, ISBN 978-1-4673-6398-3 (pendrive); 978-1-4673-6397-6 (printed), Timisoara, Romania, May, 2013, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2011SACI2] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Vladimir Cretu. A suite of Java specific metrics for software quality assessment based on statical code analyzers, 2011 6th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), pp. 347--352, ISBN 978-1-4244-9107-0/11, Timisoara, Romania, May, 2011, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2011SACI1] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Dana Juratoni, Dacian Tudor, Vladimir Cretu. Towards a software quality assessment model based on open-source statical code analyzers, 2011 6th IEEE International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics (SACI), pp. 341--346, ISBN 978-1-4244-9107-0/11, Timisoara, Romania, May, 2011, paper (pdf).

[Jebelean2010ICCOMP] - Calin Jebelean, Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Titus Slavici, Vladimir Cretu. Language Independent Generation of Logic Representation for Programs, 14th WSEAS International Conference on Computers, issn 1792-4251, isbn 978-960-474-201-1, pp. 385-390, Corfu, Greece, July 22, 2010, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2010MASPEGHI] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Markku Sakkinen, Philippe Lahire, Ioan Jurca. Reverse Inheritance in Statically Typed Object-Oriented Programming Languages, The Mechanisms for Specialization and Inheritance Workshop at ECOOP 2010, 5 pages, Maribor, Slovenia, June 22, 2010, paper (pdf).

[Jebelean2010ICCC-CONTI] - Calin Jebelean, Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Marieta Fasie, Vladimir Cretu. Towards logic based representation of XML models, 2010 International Joint Conference on Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics (ICCC-CONTI), ISBN 978-1-4244-7432-5, Timisoara, Romania, May, 2010, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2010ICCC-CONTI] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Calin Jebelean. Towards programs logic based representation driven by grammar and conforming to a metamodel, 2010 International Joint Conference on Computational Cybernetics and Technical Informatics (ICCC-CONTI), ISBN 978-1-4244-7432-5, Timisoara, Romania, May, 2010, paper (pdf).

[Jebelean2010AQTR] - Calin Jebelean, Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Vladimir Cretu. A logic based approach to locate composite refactoring opportunities in object-oriented code, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Automation Quality and Testing Robotics AQTR, volume III, pp. 130--135, ISBN 978-1-4244-6724-2, Cluj-Napoca, May, 2010, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2010AQTR] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Calin Jebelean, Gunter Kniesel, Philippe Lahire. Generic rules for logic representation transformations, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Automation Quality and Testing Robotics AQTR, volume III, pp. 142--147, ISBN 978-1-4244-6724-2, Cluj-Napoca, May, 2010, paper (pdf).

[Sakkinen2009SPLST] - Markku Sakkinen, Philippe Lahire, Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Towards Fully-fledged Reverse Inheritance in Eiffel, In Proceedings of the eleventh Symposium on Programming Languages and Software Tools (SPLST'09) and seventh Nordic Workshop on Model Driven Software Engineering (NW-MODE'09), pp. 132-146, ISBN 978-952-15-2212-3 (printed), ISBN 978-952-15-2213-0 (PDF), ISSN 1797-836X, Tampere, Finland, 2009, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2009ICCP] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Calin Jebeleanu, Krisztina Francz. Testing Techniques for a Logic Representation Generator, In Proceedings of 2009 IEEE 5-th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing ICCP 2009, pp. 207--210, ISBN 978-1-4244-5007-7, IEEE Catalog Number CFP0909D-PRT, Library of Congress Number: 2009906791, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, August 27-29, 2009 indexed in ISI-WOS, IEEE Xplore, INSPEC, paper (pdf).

[Jebelean2008ICCP] - Calin Jebelean, Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Anca Maduta. Generating Logic Based Representation For Programs, In Proceedings of 2008 IEEE 4-th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing ICCP 2008, pp. 145--151, ISBN 978-1-4244-26737, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, August 28-30, 2008, indexed in: ISI-WOS, IEEE Xplore, INSPEC, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2008CONTI] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Calin Jebelean, Anca Maduta. Towards Automatic Generation and Regeneration of Logic Representation for Object-Oriented Programming Languages, In Proceedings of International Conference on Technical Informatics - CONTI'2008, vol. 2, pp. 13-18, ISSN 1844-539X, Politehnica Publishing House Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania, June 5-6, 2008, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2007LMO] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Pierre Crescenzo, Philippe Lahire. Reverse Inheritance: Improving Class Library Reuse in Eiffel, Poster presentation at LMO (Langages et Modeles a Objets) 2007 Conference, Toulouse, France, May 27-29, 2007, poster list, poster (pdf).

[Tundrea2006NETTIES] - Emanuel Tundrea, Philippe Lahire, Dan Pescaru, Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. SmartModels - A Framework For Generating On-Line Learning Software Solutions, In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference Netties 2006, pp. 69-75, ISBN (10): 973-638-262-1 ISBN (13): 978-973-638-262-8, Orizonturi Universitare Publishing House, Timisoara, Romania, September 6-9, 2006, paper (pdf).

[Tundrea2006CONTI] - Emanuel Tundrea, Philippe Lahire, Dan Pescaru, Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. SmartFactory - A Prototype for Model Oriented Software Engineering Based on Eclipse Platform, In Proceedings of International Conference on Technical Informatics - CONTI'2006, vol. 2, pp. 71-76, ISBN (10): 973-625-319-8 ISBN (13): 978-973-625-319-5, Timisoara, Romania, June 8-9, 2006, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2006CONTI] - Smaranda-Claudia Chirila, Monica-Naomi Ruzsilla, Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Reverse Inheritance Features Applied in Coding Java Mobiles Applications, In Proceedings of International Conference on Technical Informatics - CONTI'2006, vol. 2, pp. 43-46, ISBN (10): 973-625-319-8 ISBN (13): 978-973-625-319-5, Politehnica Publishing House Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania, June 8-9, 2006, paper (pdf).

[Tundrea2006AQTR] - Emanuel Tundrea, Dan Pescaru, Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. SmartModels - A Model Oriented Approach Validated by a Prototype Based on Eclipse Platform, IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality & Testing, Robotics AQTR 2006, pp. 65-70, ISBN (13) 978-973-713-114-0, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 25-28, 2006, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2006SACI] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Monica-Naomi Ruzsilla, Pierre Crescenzo, Philippe Lahire, Dan Pescaru, Emanuel Tundrea. Towards a Reengineering Tool for Java based on Reverse Inheritance, SACI 2006 the 3-rd Romanian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence, pp. 265-272, ISBN 963-7154-39-6, "Budapest Tech" Polytechnical Institution Publishing House Hungary, Timisoara, Romania, May 25-26, 2006, paper (pdf).

[Pescaru2005ICMCS] - Pescaru Dan, Toma Corneliu, Chirila Ciprian, Gui Vasile, Tundrea Emanuel. Parameter Transmission Protocol for Grid Image Processing, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on "Microelectronics and Computer Science" (ICMCS'05), vol. II, pp. 79-82, ISBN 9975-66-040-1, Chisinau, Moldavia, September 15-17, 2005, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2005SACI] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Dan Pescaru, Emanuel Tundrea. Foster Class Model, SACI 2005 2nd Romanian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence, pp. 265-272, ISBN 963-7154-39-6, "Budapest Tech" Polytechnical Institution Publishing House Hungary, Timisoara, Romania, May 12-14, 2005, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2004MASPEGHI] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Pierre Crescenzo, Philippe Lahire. A Reverse Inheritance Relationship Dedicated to Reengineering: The Point of View of Feature Factorization, MASPEGHI 2004 - ECOOP 2004 Workshop on MechAnisms for SPEcialization, Generalization and inHerItance, Oslo, June 15, 2004, home page, proceedings (pdf),

[Pescaru2004AQTR] - Dan Pescaru, Philippe Lahire, Ciprian Chirila, Emanuel Tundrea. A Better Representation for Class Relationships in UML using OFL meta-information, In Proceedings of IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality & Testing, Robotics AQTR 2004 (THETA 14), pp. 269-274, ISBN 973-713-047-2, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, May 13-16, 2004, paper (pdf).

[Tundrea2004SACI] - Emanuel Tundrea, Philippe Lahire, Didier Parigot, Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Dan Pescaru. SMARTFACTORY - an Implementation of the Domain Driven Development Approach, In Proceedings of SACI 2004 1st Romanian-Hungarian Joint Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence, pp. 231-240, ISBN 963-7154-26-4, "Budapest Tech" Polytechnical Institution Publishing House Hungary, Timisoara, Romania, May 25-26, 2004, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2004CONTI] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Pierre Crescenzo, Philippe Lahire, Dan Pescaru, Emanuel Tundrea. Factoring Mechanism of Reverse Inheritance, In Proceedings of International Conference on Technical Informatics CONTI 2004, Periodica Politechnica, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science, vol. 49 (63), pp. 131-136, ISSN 1224-600X, Politehnica Publishing House, Timisoara, Romania, May 2004, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2002CONTI] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Automation of The Design Flaw Detection Process in Object-Oriented Systems, In Proceedings of International Conference on Technical Informatics CONTI 2002, Periodica Politechnica, Transactions on Automatic Control and Computer Science, vol. 47 (61), pp. 000-000, ISSN 1224-600X, Politehnica Publishing House, Timisoara, Romania, October 2002, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2002SCSS] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Arbore de calitate bazat pe strategii de detectie, Sesiunea de comunicari stiintifice studentesti 2002, Computer Science & Software Engineering Department, University Politehnica Timisoara, June 2002, paper (pdf).

[Chirila2001SCSS] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Automatizarea procesului de detectie a carentelor de proiectare in sisteme orientate-obiect, Sesiunea de comunicari stiintifice studentesti 2001, Computer Science & Software Engineering Department, University Politehnica Timisoara, June 2001, paper (pdf).


[Sakkinen2014Uppsala] - Markku Sakkinen, Philippe Lahire, Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Experiences from Adding Reverse Inheritance to Eiffel, Informal talk at the PLE Workshop at ECOOP 2014, Uppsala, Sweden, July 28, 2014, presentation (pdf).

[Chirila2008Bonn] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Reverse Inheritance for Eiffel, University of Bonn, Germany, June 2008.

[Chirila2007Sophia] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Type Exheritance Rules for RIEiffel, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France, September 2007.

[Chirila2005Sophia] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Reverse Inheritance in Eiffel, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France, June 2005.

[Chirila2003Sophia] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Reverse Inheritance in Java, University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, France, June 2003.

Research Reports

[Chirila2007I3SRR12] - Ciprian Chirila, Philippe Lahire, Markku Sakkinen "Towards Fully-fledged Reverse Inheritance in Eiffel". Research report, Laboratoire Informatique, Signaux et Systmes de Sophia-Antipolis (UNSA / CNRS), France, Projet OCL - Mars 2007. ISRN I3S/RR-2007-12-FR, report (pdf), report list

[Chirila2007I3SRR10] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Pierre Crescenzo, Philippe Lahire "Reverse Inheritance : Improving Class Library Reuse in Eiffel". Research report, Laboratoire Informatique, Signaux et Systmes de Sophia-Antipolis (UNSA / CNRS), France, Projet OCL - Mars 2007, 14 pages. ISRN I3S/RR-2007-10-FR, report (pdf), report list

[Tundrea2006I3SRR26] - E. Tundrea, P. Lahire, D. Pescaru, C.B. Chirila "SmartModels - A Framework For Generating On-Line Learning Software Solutions". Research report, Laboratoire Informatique, Signaux et Systmes de Sophia-Antipolis (UNSA / CNRS), France, Projet OCL - Août 2006, 7 pages. ISRN I3S/RR-2006-26-FR, report (pdf), report list

[Chirila2005I3SRR31] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Pierre Crescenzo, Philippe Lahire, Dan Pescaru, Emanuel Tundrea "Factoring Mechanism of Reverse Inheritance". Research report, Laboratoire Informatique, Signaux et Systmes de Sophia-Antipolis (UNSA / CNRS), France, Projet OCL - Octobre 2005, 6 pages. ISRN I3S/RR-2005-31-FR, report (pdf), report list

[Chirila2005I3SRR24] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Pierre Crescenzo, Philippe Lahire "Towards Reengineering: An Approach Based on Reverse Inheritance - Application to Java". Research report, Laboratoire Informatique, Signaux et Systmes de Sophia-Antipolis (UNSA / CNRS), France, Projet OCL - Septembre 2005, 70 pages, ISRN I3S/RR-2005-24-FR, report (pdf), report list

[Chirila2005I3SRR05] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Pierre Crescenzo, Philippe Lahire "Reverse Inheritance: An Approach for Modeling Adaptation and Evolution of Applications". Research report, Laboratoire Informatique, Signaux et Systmes de Sophia-Antipolis (UNSA / CNRS), France, Projet OCL - Février 2005, 14 pages, ISRN I3S/RR-2005-05-FR, report (pdf), report list

[Chirila2004I3SRR22] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila, Pierre Crescenzo, Philippe Lahire "A Reverse Inheritance Relationship for Improving Reusability and Evolution: The Point of View of Feature Factorization". Research report, Laboratoire Informatique, Signaux et Systmes de Sophia-Antipolis (UNSA / CNRS), France, Projet OCL - Septembre 2004, 6 pages, ISRN I3S/RR-2004-22-FR, report (pdf), report list

Diploma Works

[Chirila2002Dissertation] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Quality Tree Based On Detection Strategies, dissertation thesis, Computer Science & Software Engineering Department, University Politehnica Timisoara, July 2002, abstract (pdf), dissertation (pdf).

[Chirila2001Diploma] - Ciprian-Bogdan Chirila. Software Tool for Design Flaw Detection in Object-Oriented Systems, diploma thesis, Computer Science & Software Engineering Department, University Politehnica Timisoara, July 2001, diploma (pdf).

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